Chrome’s Password Checker Report

If you are a Chrome user, you should definitely make use of the password checker report.

You might have already seen it when it raises the alarm if a Website you go to has already been breached. The Chrome browser will throw a message that asks you to consider updating your password information sooner rather than later. It looks something like this:


If you have some time on your hands, and want to feel productive while binging Netflix, run the report and update passwords that are at risk. And better yet, delete accounts for services you haven’t used in years.

Here’s how to get to the settings and the report:

In Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Turn on “Warn you if passwords are exposed in a data breach

This will turn on the warnings.


To run the password report:

In Chrome, go to Settings > Autofill > Passwords > View and manage saved passwords in your Google Account.


Click through to your Google Account, and review the report.


Expand the sections and review each password, starting with compromised passwords. Click the Change Password button to go to the site and update your password in your profile.

Use unique passwords or consider using Google’s password suggestions. Google will create a unique password for you and store it. If a password suggestion does not automatically appear, right click on the password field and click on Suggest Password.

Encourage your team to run this report regularly, particularly for your business accounts.

This is a good opportunity to delete accounts you no longer use, update your information, and turn on Second Factor Authentication when possible.

Rachel Yang

Web designer, user experience professional, just to start…

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